Issue 2, 2021

Nonbenzenoid aromaticity of 1-phosphafulvenes: synthesis of phosphacymantrenes


The coordination chemistry of 1-phosphafulvenes was investigated by employing their [6 + 4] adducts or α-C2-bridged biphospholes as a precursor. Unbridged phosphacymantrenes arise from 1-phosphafulvenes via proton abstraction. α-C2-bridged biphosphacymantrenes are probably yielded by the reductive coupling of 1-phosphafulvene with Mn2(CO)10. The coordination behavior of 1-phosphafulvenes is comparable to that of pentafulvenes, which again demonstrates the phosphorus-carbon analogy in low-coordinate organophosphorus chemistry.

Graphical abstract: Nonbenzenoid aromaticity of 1-phosphafulvenes: synthesis of phosphacymantrenes

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Article information

Article type
17 Nov 2020
10 Dec 2020
First published
10 Dec 2020

Dalton Trans., 2021,50, 476-479

Nonbenzenoid aromaticity of 1-phosphafulvenes: synthesis of phosphacymantrenes

Y. Liu, R. Tian, Z. Duan and F. Mathey, Dalton Trans., 2021, 50, 476 DOI: 10.1039/D0DT03934A

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