Issue 29, 2018

Enhancement of two-photon absorption photoresponse based on whispering gallery modes


Nonlinear multiphoton absorption technology is crucial for developing novel optoelectronic devices and nanophotonics. The large enhancement of two-photon absorption (TPA) photoresponse by a high Q-factor whispering gallery mode (WGM) resonance based on a single-microwire (MW) self-formed hexagonal cavity was investigated comprehensively in this paper. The typical quadratic relationship of photocurrent as a function of incident power indicated that excited carriers resulted from a third-order nonlinear mechanism. Moreover, the photocurrent response had a dramatic dependence on the spatial location of the focus spot of the incident photons. It was demonstrated that the TPA photocurrent response in the resonant WGM mode was one-order of magnitude larger than the response in the Fabry–Perot mode. Furthermore, the photoresponse characteristics of TPA detection exhibited sensitive dependence on the incident laser polarization direction.

Graphical abstract: Enhancement of two-photon absorption photoresponse based on whispering gallery modes

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Article information

Article type
08 Apr 2018
30 Jun 2018
First published
02 Jul 2018

Nanoscale, 2018,10, 14047-14054

Enhancement of two-photon absorption photoresponse based on whispering gallery modes

Z. Chen, G. Lou, H. Zhu, A. Chen, Y. Wu, Y. Ren, J. Li, Z. Qiu, X. Gui and Z. Tang, Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 14047 DOI: 10.1039/C8NR02806K

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