Issue 11, 2017

A fluorescent dithiadiazolyl radical: structure and optical properties of phenanthrenyl dithiadiazolyl in solution and polymer composites


The phenanthrene-functionalised dithiadiazolyl radical 2 provides a rare example of a fluorescent radical, exhibiting bright blue fluorescence (410 nm) in solution (MeCN: ΦF = 0.11). The indirect participation of the radical electron in the fluorescence process is supported by (i) TD-DFT studies and (ii) the observation that the diamagnetic salt [2][GaCl4] also exhibits a similar broad emission at 410 nm. The large Stokes shift appears associated with significant molecular relaxation in the excited state, evidenced by the solvent-independent nature of the absorption profile but marked solvent-dependent emission spectrum. Incorporation of 2 into polymer matrices such as PMMA or polystyrene leads to substantial enhancement in air stability with evidence of efficient emission quenching at higher w/w radical : polymer ratios.

Graphical abstract: A fluorescent dithiadiazolyl radical: structure and optical properties of phenanthrenyl dithiadiazolyl in solution and polymer composites

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Article type
23 Dec 2016
09 Feb 2017
First published
09 Feb 2017

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2017,5, 2794-2799

A fluorescent dithiadiazolyl radical: structure and optical properties of phenanthrenyl dithiadiazolyl in solution and polymer composites

Y. Beldjoudi, I. Osorio-Román, M. A. Nascimento and J. M. Rawson, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2017, 5, 2794 DOI: 10.1039/C6TC05576A

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