Issue 1, 2018

Ultra-selective defect-free interfacially polymerized molecular sieve thin-film composite membranes for H2 purification


Purification is a major bottleneck in generating low-cost commercial hydrogen. In this work, inexpensive high-performance H2 separating membranes were fabricated by modifying the commercially successful interfacial polymerization production method for reverse osmosis membranes. Defect-free thin-film composite membranes were formed demonstrating unprecedented mixed-gas H2/CO2 selectivity of ≈50 at 140 °C with a H2 permeance of 350 GPU, surpassing the permeance/selectivity upper bound of all known polymer membranes by a wide margin. The combination of exceptional separation performance and low manufacturing cost makes them excellent candidates for cost-effective hydrogen purification from steam cracking and similar processes.

Graphical abstract: Ultra-selective defect-free interfacially polymerized molecular sieve thin-film composite membranes for H2 purification

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Article information

Article type
05 Sep 2017
09 Oct 2017
First published
10 Oct 2017

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2018,6, 30-35

Ultra-selective defect-free interfacially polymerized molecular sieve thin-film composite membranes for H2 purification

Z. Ali, F. Pacheco, E. Litwiller, Y. Wang, Y. Han and I. Pinnau, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2018, 6, 30 DOI: 10.1039/C7TA07819F

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