Issue 35, 2017

Ultrathin TiO2-B nanowires as an anode material for Mg-ion batteries based on a surface Mg storage mechanism


Ultrathin TiO2-B nanowires with a naked (−110) surface were prepared by a hydrothermal process and used as the anode material for Mg-ion batteries. The material delivered a reversible Mg2+ ion capacity of 110 mA h g−1 at the 0.1C rate. Excellent cycling stability was achieved with a small capacity-fading rate of 0.08% per cycle. In addition, a discharge capacity of 34 mA h g−1 was obtained at the 50C rate, demonstrating the material's excellent high rate capability. First-principles calculations showed that Mg2+ ions hardly penetrated into the TiO2-B lattice because of a very large Mg2+ ion diffusion barrier of 0.63 eV. Instead, the Mg2+ ions were stored at the 4-coordinated vacancies of TiO2-B nanowire (−110) surfaces. The adsorbed Mg2+ ions were bonded with unpaired surface oxygen atoms. Meanwhile, a small amount of electrons were transferred from the O-2p state to the Ti-3d state.

Graphical abstract: Ultrathin TiO2-B nanowires as an anode material for Mg-ion batteries based on a surface Mg storage mechanism

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Article information

Article type
16 May 2017
28 Jul 2017
First published
31 Jul 2017

Nanoscale, 2017,9, 12934-12940

Ultrathin TiO2-B nanowires as an anode material for Mg-ion batteries based on a surface Mg storage mechanism

Y. Meng, D. Wang, Y. Zhao, R. Lian, Y. Wei, X. Bian, Y. Gao, F. Du, B. Liu and G. Chen, Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 12934 DOI: 10.1039/C7NR03493H

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