Issue 22, 2017

A phosphine-free, heterogeneous palladium-catalyzed atom-efficient carbonylative cross-coupling of triorganoindiums with aryl halides leading to unsymmetrical ketones


The first phosphine-free heterogeneous palladium-catalyzed carbonylative cross-coupling of aryl halides with triorganoindiums has been developed that proceeds smoothly under 1 or 2.5 atm of carbon monoxide in THF at 68 °C and provides a general and powerful tool for the synthesis of various valuable unsymmetrical ketones with high atom-economy, good yield, and recyclability of the catalyst. Our system not only avoids the use of phosphine ligands, but also solves the basic problem of palladium catalyst recovery and reuse.

Graphical abstract: A phosphine-free, heterogeneous palladium-catalyzed atom-efficient carbonylative cross-coupling of triorganoindiums with aryl halides leading to unsymmetrical ketones

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
10 Aug 2017
19 Oct 2017
First published
20 Oct 2017

New J. Chem., 2017,41, 13862-13870

A phosphine-free, heterogeneous palladium-catalyzed atom-efficient carbonylative cross-coupling of triorganoindiums with aryl halides leading to unsymmetrical ketones

S. You, R. Xiao, H. Liu and M. Cai, New J. Chem., 2017, 41, 13862 DOI: 10.1039/C7NJ02969A

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