Issue 12, 2017

Metal-induced supramolecular chirality inversion of small self-assembled molecules in solution


A non-covalent self-assembled chiral alanyl aminopyridine ligand exhibits supramolecular chirality in solution, independent of the organic solvent used. The supramolecular chirality of the assemblies is completely inverted by complexation to zinc ions. To date, such a supramolecular metal–ligand system has not been reported in the literature.

Graphical abstract: Metal-induced supramolecular chirality inversion of small self-assembled molecules in solution

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Article information

Article type
17 Nov 2016
11 Jan 2017
First published
11 Jan 2017

Chem. Commun., 2017,53, 1945-1948

Metal-induced supramolecular chirality inversion of small self-assembled molecules in solution

Z. Kokan, B. Perić, M. Vazdar, Ž. Marinić, D. Vikić-Topić, E. Meštrović and S. I. Kirin, Chem. Commun., 2017, 53, 1945 DOI: 10.1039/C6CC09203A

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