Issue 70, 2016

Lysozyme-stabilized Ag nanoclusters: synthesis of different compositions and fluorescent responses to sulfide ions with distinct modes


In this study, three red-emissive Ag nanoclusters capped with denatured lysozyme (dLys-AgNCs 1–3) were synthesized from different reactant molar ratios of AgNO3 and lysozyme. dLys-AgNCs 1 contained only Ag(0), whereas dLys-AgNCs 2 and 3 contained both Ag(0) and Ag(I). The maximum emission wavelengths of dLys-AgNCs 1–3 were all near 640 nm when excited at 490 nm, but had different photoluminescence intensities. The photoluminescence properties of the dLys-AgNCs in the presence of common inorganic anions were studied. dLys-AgNCs 1–3 had a distinct photoluminescence response to S2−. The photoluminescence of dLys-AgNCs 1 was quenched by S2−, because S2− destroyed the nanostructure of dLys-AgNCs 1 by forming Ag2S. The photoluminescence of dLys-AgNCs 3 was enhanced by S2−, because S2− bound to Ag(I) in dLys-AgNCs 3 and altered the ligand-to-metal–metal charge transfer. For dLys-AgNCs 2, the photoluminescence was enhanced with a small amount of S2− and quenched when more S2− was added. This was explained by S2− binding to Ag(I) at low concentrations and then to Ag(0) at high concentrations. Other anions had no obvious effects, except that I quenched the photoluminescence of dLys-AgNCs 1–3. The response mechanisms were investigated by XPS, MS, zeta potential, DLS, and fluorescence lifetime measurements. As-prepared dLys-AgNCs 1 and 3 were used as fluorescent probes for S2− detection in tap water and lake water with satisfactory results.

Graphical abstract: Lysozyme-stabilized Ag nanoclusters: synthesis of different compositions and fluorescent responses to sulfide ions with distinct modes

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
25 Mar 2016
27 Jun 2016
First published
29 Jun 2016

RSC Adv., 2016,6, 66233-66241

Lysozyme-stabilized Ag nanoclusters: synthesis of different compositions and fluorescent responses to sulfide ions with distinct modes

Z. Gao, F. Liu, R. Hu, M. Zhao and N. Shao, RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 66233 DOI: 10.1039/C6RA07827C

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