Issue 48, 2016

Pincer-plus-one ligands in self-assembly with palladium(ii): a molecular square and a molecular tetrahedron


The combination of a palladium(II) precursor with a diimine–phenol ligand and an oxidant (H2O2 or O2) under different conditions has, serendipitously, given both a molecular square and a molecular tetrahedron by self-assembly of building blocks comprising palladium(II) centres coordinated to the oxidised forms of the ligand.

Graphical abstract: Pincer-plus-one ligands in self-assembly with palladium(ii): a molecular square and a molecular tetrahedron

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Article information

Article type
08 Nov 2016
21 Nov 2016
First published
21 Nov 2016

Dalton Trans., 2016,45, 19485-19490

Pincer-plus-one ligands in self-assembly with palladium(II): a molecular square and a molecular tetrahedron

A. Behnia, P. D. Boyle, M. A. Fard, J. M. Blacquiere and R. J. Puddephatt, Dalton Trans., 2016, 45, 19485 DOI: 10.1039/C6DT04264C

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