Issue 1, 2015

Sensitization of wide band gap photocatalysts to visible light by molten CuCl treatment


Cu(I)-substituted metal oxide photocatalysts were prepared using molten CuCl treatment of wide band gap photocatalysts. The Cu(I)-substituted metal oxide photocatalysts possessed a new absorption band in the visible light region and showed photocatalytic activity for hydrogen evolution from an aqueous solution containing sulfur sacrificial reagents under visible light irradiation. Notably, the Cu(I)–K2La2Ti3O10 and Cu(I)–NaTaO3 photocatalysts showed relatively high activities for hydrogen evolution and gave apparent quantum yields of 0.18% at 420 nm. These photocatalysts responded up to 620 nm. Thus, Cu(I)-substitution using a molten CuCl treatment was an effective strategy for sensitizing a metal oxide photocatalyst with a wide band gap to visible light.

Graphical abstract: Sensitization of wide band gap photocatalysts to visible light by molten CuCl treatment

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Article information

Article type
Edge Article
20 Jun 2014
29 Aug 2014
First published
29 Aug 2014
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2015,6, 687-692

Author version available

Sensitization of wide band gap photocatalysts to visible light by molten CuCl treatment

K. Iwashina, A. Iwase and A. Kudo, Chem. Sci., 2015, 6, 687 DOI: 10.1039/C4SC01829J

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