Issue 2, 2015

Nitrosyl iron complexes with enhanced NO donating ability: synthesis, structure and properties of a new type of salt with the DNIC cations [Fe(SC(NH2)2)2(NO)2]+


Novel nitrosyl iron complexes [Fe(SC(NH2)2)2(NO)2]2SO4·H2O(I) and [Fe(SC(NH2)2)2(NO)2]2[Fe2(S2O3)2(NO)4](II) have been synthesized via the reactions of FeSO4 and Na2[Fe2(S2O3)2(NO)4], respectively, with acidic solutions of thiocarbamide in water. The structure and properties of I and II were studied using X-ray analysis, Mössbauer, IR, and EPR spectroscopy and amperometry. Both complexes are characterized by a prolonged NO generation without additional activation in aqueous anaerobic solutions, similar to the organic NO donor diethylene triamine; however, they are more effective: at pH 7 the NO amount is ∼32.6 and ∼31.8 nM mol−1 of the complex for I and II, respectively. The obtained results show feasibility for the synthesis of water-soluble hybrid nitrosyl NO-generating complexes, which contain the NO groups both in the cationic and anionic sublattices and provide the control of the NO release kinetics.

Graphical abstract: Nitrosyl iron complexes with enhanced NO donating ability: synthesis, structure and properties of a new type of salt with the DNIC cations [Fe(SC(NH2)2)2(NO)2]+

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Article information

Article type
30 Sep 2014
11 Nov 2014
First published
24 Nov 2014

New J. Chem., 2015,39, 1022-1030

Author version available

Nitrosyl iron complexes with enhanced NO donating ability: synthesis, structure and properties of a new type of salt with the DNIC cations [Fe(SC(NH2)2)2(NO)2]+

N. A. Sanina, S. M. Aldoshin, N. Yu. Shmatko, D. V. Korchagin, G. V. Shilov, E. V. Knyazkina, N. S. Ovanesyan and A. V. Kulikov, New J. Chem., 2015, 39, 1022 DOI: 10.1039/C4NJ01693A

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