Issue 43, 2014

An advanced Ag-based photocatalyst Ag2Ta4O11 with outstanding activity, durability and universality for removing organic dyes


Constructing Ag-based photocatalysts by the incorporation of Ag+ ions into metal/nonmetal oxides for removing organic pollutants is a recently developed strategy, but overcoming their own photocorrosion is still a tremendous challenge. In this work, an advanced Ag-based photocatalyst Ag2Ta4O11 is obtained by this strategy, which exhibits improved photocatalytic activity compared with Ta2O5 and the universality for degrading several organic dyes. Importantly, the Ag2Ta4O11 photocatalyst has outstanding durability and reusability, which indicates that it has potential application prospects for organic wastewater treatment in the printing and dyeing industry.

Graphical abstract: An advanced Ag-based photocatalyst Ag2Ta4O11 with outstanding activity, durability and universality for removing organic dyes

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Article information

Article type
06 Aug 2014
16 Sep 2014
First published
17 Sep 2014

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2014,16, 23915-23921

Author version available

An advanced Ag-based photocatalyst Ag2Ta4O11 with outstanding activity, durability and universality for removing organic dyes

H. Dong, J. Sun, G. Chen, C. Li, Y. Hu and C. Lv, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2014, 16, 23915 DOI: 10.1039/C4CP03494E

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