Issue 23, 2014

A study of the effect of organic solvents on the fluorescence signal in a sequential injection analysis system


A study of the effect of different organic solvents and their mixtures with water on the fluorescence intensity of two model compounds (quinine sulphate as a naturally fluorescent substance and metsulfuron methyl with fluorescent properties upon UV irradiation) was carried out in a sequential injection analysis system.

Graphical abstract: A study of the effect of organic solvents on the fluorescence signal in a sequential injection analysis system

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Article information

Article type
21 Aug 2014
02 Oct 2014
First published
03 Oct 2014

Anal. Methods, 2014,6, 9392-9396

Author version available

A study of the effect of organic solvents on the fluorescence signal in a sequential injection analysis system

P. Bolinová, I. Šrámková, H. Sklenářová, C. C. Acebal, B. S. Fernández Band and P. Solich, Anal. Methods, 2014, 6, 9392 DOI: 10.1039/C4AY01977F

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