Issue 18, 2013

Domain and stripe formation between hexagonal and square ordered fillings of colloidal particles on periodic pinning substrates


Using large scale numerical simulations, we examine the ordering of colloidal particles on square periodic two-dimensional muffin-tin substrates consisting of a flat surface with localized pinning sites. We show that when there are four particles per pinning site, the particles adopt a hexagonal ordering, while for five particles per pinning site, a square ordering appears. For fillings between four and five particles per pinning site, we identify a rich variety of distinct ordering regimes, including disordered grain boundaries, crystalline stripe structures, superlattice orderings, and disordered patchy arrangements. We characterize the different regimes using Voronoi analysis, energy dispersion, and ordering of the domains. We show that many of the boundary formation features we observe occur for a wide range of other fillings. Our results demonstrate that grain boundary tailoring can be achieved with muffin-tin periodic pinning substrates.

Graphical abstract: Domain and stripe formation between hexagonal and square ordered fillings of colloidal particles on periodic pinning substrates

Article information

Article type
16 Nov 2012
22 Jan 2013
First published
20 Feb 2013

Soft Matter, 2013,9, 4607-4613

Domain and stripe formation between hexagonal and square ordered fillings of colloidal particles on periodic pinning substrates

D. McDermott, J. Amelang, L. M. Lopatina, C. J. Olson Reichhardt and C. Reichhardt, Soft Matter, 2013, 9, 4607 DOI: 10.1039/C3SM27652J

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