Issue 11, 2014

Phase separation and the ‘coffee-ring’ effect in polymer–nanocrystal mixtures


The coupling between the ‘coffee-ring’ effect and liquid–liquid phase separation is examined for ternary mixtures of solvent, polymer and semiconductor nanocrystal. Specifically, we study mixtures of toluene, polystyrene (PS) and colloidal silicon nanocrystals (SiNCs) using real-space imaging and spectroscopic techniques to resolve the kinetic morphology of the drying front for varied molecular weight of the PS. Our results demonstrate that the size of the polymer has a significant impact on both phase-separation and drying, and we relate these observations to simulations, measured and predicted binodal curves, and the observed shape of the flow field at the contact line. The results inform a deposition process that reduces the influence of drying instabilities for low-molecular-weight polymers while paving the way for more detailed and generic computational descriptions of drying instabilities in complex fluids.

Graphical abstract: Phase separation and the ‘coffee-ring’ effect in polymer–nanocrystal mixtures

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Article information

Article type
06 Nov 2013
18 Dec 2013
First published
23 Dec 2013

Soft Matter, 2014,10, 1665-1675

Phase separation and the ‘coffee-ring’ effect in polymer–nanocrystal mixtures

J. B. Miller, A. C. P. Usselman, R. J. Anthony, U. R. Kortshagen, A. J. Wagner, A. R. Denton and E. K. Hobbie, Soft Matter, 2014, 10, 1665 DOI: 10.1039/C3SM52807C

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