Issue 6, 2013

Aqueous phase synthesis of copper nanoparticles: a link between heavy metal resistance and nanoparticle synthesis ability in bacterial systems


We demonstrate aqueous phase biosynthesis of phase-pure metallic copper nanoparticles (CuNPs) using a silver resistant bacterium Morganella morganii. This is particularly important considering that there has been no report that demonstrates biosynthesis and stabilization of pure copper nanoparticles in the aqueous phase. Electrochemical analysis of bacterial cells exposed to Cu2+ ions provides new insights into the mechanistic aspect of Cu2+ ion reduction within the bacterial cell and indicates a strong link between the silver and copper resistance machinery of bacteria in the context of metal ion reduction. The outcomes of this study take us a step closer towards designing rational strategies for biosynthesis of different metal nanoparticles using microorganisms.

Graphical abstract: Aqueous phase synthesis of copper nanoparticles: a link between heavy metal resistance and nanoparticle synthesis ability in bacterial systems

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Article information

Article type
24 Sep 2012
21 Nov 2012
First published
22 Nov 2012

Nanoscale, 2013,5, 2300-2306

Aqueous phase synthesis of copper nanoparticles: a link between heavy metal resistance and nanoparticle synthesis ability in bacterial systems

R. Ramanathan, M. R. Field, A. P. O'Mullane, P. M. Smooker, S. K. Bhargava and V. Bansal, Nanoscale, 2013, 5, 2300 DOI: 10.1039/C2NR32887A

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