Issue 20, 2013

Luminescent Zn2GeO4nanorod arrays and nanowires


Large-area Zn2GeO4 nanorod arrays (1.5 × 5 cm) and long Zn2GeO4 nanowires (length up to 1 mm) have been controllably prepared at different areas on the substrate using a simple thermal evaporation method. The formation processes for these nanostructures were investigated carefully. The solid state reaction and vapor-solid process have been found to clearly contribute to the creation of the Zn2GeO4 nanorod arrays and long Zn2GeO4 nanowires, respectively. Photoluminescence (PL) characterization of these nanostructures showed that both the nanorod arrays and nanowires exhibited strong blue-white luminescence. Mn-doped Zn2GeO4 nanorod arrays have also been obtained by doping an appropriate amount of Mn2+ ions in the products. Zn2GeO4 nanostructures doped with Mn2+ exhibited bright green luminescence.

Graphical abstract: Luminescent Zn2GeO4 nanorod arrays and nanowires

Article information

Article type
08 Nov 2012
11 Jan 2013
First published
11 Jan 2013

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2013,15, 7488-7493

Luminescent Zn2GeO4 nanorod arrays and nanowires

Z. Gu, F. Liu, X. Li and Z. W. Pan, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2013, 15, 7488 DOI: 10.1039/C3CP43977A

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