Issue 9, 2013

Preconcentration and determination of carbaryl and carbofuran in water samples using ionic liquids and in situsolvent formation microextraction


In the present work, a novel microextraction method named in situ solvent formation microextraction (ISFME) using ionic liquids (ILs) for preconcentration of carbaryl and carbofuran in water samples is introduced. In this method, a small amount of sodium hexafluorophosphate (NaPF6), as an ion pairing agent, was added to a sample solution containing a small quantity of 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate [Hmim][BF4] as a hydrophobic ionic liquid. A cloudy solution formed as a result of formation of fine droplets of 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate [Hmim][PF6]. After centrifugation, the fine droplets of the extractant phase settled to the bottom of the conical-bottom glass centrifuge tube. Analysis was carried out using HPLC-UV. To obtain the best extraction results, some experimental parameters affecting the extraction efficiency were optimized. Under optimum conditions, the calibration curve was linear in the concentration range of 0.05–50 ng mL−1 for two pesticides, with the square correlation coefficients (r2) equal to 0.998 for carbaryl and 0.997 for carbofuran. Good enrichment factors of 85 and 100 were achieved for carbaryl and carbofuran, respectively. The limits of detection (LODs) (S/N = 3) were 0.09 ng mL−1 and 0.1 ng mL−1 for carbaryl and carbofuran, respectively. The method was successfully applied to analysis of pesticide residues in water samples.

Graphical abstract: Preconcentration and determination of carbaryl and carbofuran in water samples using ionic liquids and in situ solvent formation microextraction

Article information

Article type
18 Apr 2012
21 Feb 2013
First published
22 Feb 2013

Anal. Methods, 2013,5, 2406-2412

Preconcentration and determination of carbaryl and carbofuran in water samples using ionic liquids and in situ solvent formation microextraction

M. S. Tehrani, M. H. Givianrad, L. Akhoundi and M. Akhoundi, Anal. Methods, 2013, 5, 2406 DOI: 10.1039/C3AY00010A

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