Issue 5, 2012

Ti-based compounds as anode materials for Li-ion batteries


Li-ion batteries are one of the most promising electrochemical power sources to be widely used in portable electronics, electric vehicles, and stationary energy storage systems. Ti-based materials have been intensively investigated as important anodes for Li-ion batteries due to their high safety and excellent cycling stability. The present work reviews the latest advances in the exploration and development of Ti-based compounds, such as Li4Ti5O12, Li2Ti3O7, TiO2-B and H2Ti3O7, as high performance anode materials for Li-ion batteries. The relationship between the preparation, composition, structure, morphology and electrochemical performance are summarized and analyzed. Further, the related advancements and challenges in practical energy applications are discussed.

Graphical abstract: Ti-based compounds as anode materials for Li-ion batteries

Article information

Article type
Review Article
08 Dec 2011
22 Feb 2012
First published
23 Feb 2012

Energy Environ. Sci., 2012,5, 6652-6667

Ti-based compounds as anode materials for Li-ion batteries

G. Zhu, Y. Wang and Y. Xia, Energy Environ. Sci., 2012, 5, 6652 DOI: 10.1039/C2EE03410G

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