Issue 30, 2012

Hydrogen activation by 2-boryl-N,N-dialkylanilines: a revision of Piers’ ansa-aminoborane


Two 2-[bis(pentafluorophenyl)boryl]-N,N-dialkylanilines reported here exemplify a new class of intramolecular frustrated B/N Lewis pairs. A structure closely related to this class structure was synthesized in 2003 by Piers et al. but was unable to activate H2. The new aminoboranes can activate hydrogen at near ambient conditions; besides, one of them can hydrogenate imines and enamines in a catalytic fashion demonstrating the validity of the original Piers’ approach to hydrogen activation with ansa-aminoboranes.

Graphical abstract: Hydrogen activation by 2-boryl-N,N-dialkylanilines: a revision of Piers’ ansa-aminoborane

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Article information

Article type
27 Apr 2012
07 Jun 2012
First published
11 Jun 2012

Dalton Trans., 2012,41, 9029-9032

Hydrogen activation by 2-boryl-N,N-dialkylanilines: a revision of Piers’ ansa-aminoborane

K. Chernichenko, M. Nieger, M. Leskelä and T. Repo, Dalton Trans., 2012, 41, 9029 DOI: 10.1039/C2DT30926B

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