Issue 40, 2011

Surface functionalization of electro-deposited nickel


A new in situelectrochemical method of functionalizing an oxide-free Ni surface is demonstrated using octanethiol. Initial adsorption results in a multilayer molecular film, which blocks both the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) and re-oxidation of the Ni by ambient oxygen. However, excess octanethiol can be removed by rinsing with ethanol, leaving behind a monolayer that continues to protect against re-oxidation but gives rise to an unexpected enhancement in the HER, with a greater enhancement for longer film formation times. The presence of an octanethiol monolayer on the surface was confirmed by spectroscopic observation of the CH2, CH3 and thiolate groups using infra red spectroscopy, while X-ray photo-electron spectroscopy demonstrated the effectiveness of the thiol layer as a barrier to surface oxidation. The electrochemically prepared octanethiol film impedes oxidation of the Ni in air more effectively than a film formed by immersion in a solution of octanethiol in ethanol.

Graphical abstract: Surface functionalization of electro-deposited nickel

Article information

Article type
05 Jul 2011
22 Aug 2011
First published
15 Sep 2011

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2011,13, 17987-17993

Surface functionalization of electro-deposited nickel

J. E. Sadler, D. S. Szumski, A. Kierzkowska, S. R. Catarelli, K. Stella, R. J. Nichols, M. H. Fonticelli, G. Benitez, B. Blum, R. C. Salvarezza and W. Schwarzacher, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2011, 13, 17987 DOI: 10.1039/C1CP22203A

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