Issue 42, 2010

A new weakly coordinating aluminate anion incorporating a chelating perfluoro-bis-anilido ligand


The synthesis of the fully fluorinated bis-anilido ligand N,N′-bis-pentafluorophenyl-3,4,5,6-tetrafluorophenylene-1,2-diamine, 1 is described. Reaction of one or two equivalents of 1 with AlMe3 gives aluminium compounds incorporating one or two ligands, the latter being the protonated form of a new weakly coordinating anion (WCA), 3-H. Alternatively, reaction of 1 with LiAlH4 yields the lithium salt of this anion, 3-Li, which may be employed as a reagent for preparing the trityl and N,N-dimethylanilinium salts of the aluminate anion. All ion pairs are fully characterized and the use of 3-Ph3C to generate titanium-based alkyl cations is also described.

Graphical abstract: A new weakly coordinating aluminate anion incorporating a chelating perfluoro-bis-anilido ligand

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Article information

Article type
14 Jul 2010
18 Aug 2010
First published
14 Sep 2010

Dalton Trans., 2010,39, 10256-10263

A new weakly coordinating aluminate anion incorporating a chelating perfluoro-bis-anilido ligand

J. C. Smith, K. Ma, W. E. Piers, M. Parvez and R. McDonald, Dalton Trans., 2010, 39, 10256 DOI: 10.1039/C0DT00846J

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