Issue 12, 2010

Raman spectroscopy—A new method for the intra-operative assessment of axillary lymph nodes


Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy has become the standard surgical procedure for the sampling of axillary lymph nodes in breast cancer. Intra operative node assessment is currently not offered to the majority of patients but would allow definitive axillary surgery to take place immediately. This would confer benefits both to the patient and to the healthcare system. Our experimental study aims to demonstrate that a Raman spectroscopyprobe device could overcome many of the disadvantages of current intra-operative analysis techniques. 38 axillary lymph nodes, 25 negative and 13 positive from 20 patients undergoing breast surgery for invasive breast cancer were assessed using a commercially available Raman spectroscopyprobe. Spectra were assessed using principal component fed linear discriminant analysis trained by the histopathology results. Leave one node out cross validation achieved a sensitivity of up to 92% and a specificity of up to 100% in differentiating between normal and metastatic lymph nodes.

Graphical abstract: Raman spectroscopy—A new method for the intra-operative assessment of axillary lymph nodes

Article information

Article type
16 Jul 2010
11 Oct 2010
First published
02 Nov 2010

Analyst, 2010,135, 3042-3047

Raman spectroscopy—A new method for the intra-operative assessment of axillary lymph nodes

J. Horsnell, P. Stonelake, J. Christie-Brown, G. Shetty, J. Hutchings, C. Kendall and N. Stone, Analyst, 2010, 135, 3042 DOI: 10.1039/C0AN00527D

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