Issue 45, 2009

Recombinant and in vitro expression systems for hydrogenases: new frontiers in basic and applied studies for biological and synthetic H2 production


This review focuses on recent progress in developing heterologous and recombinant expression as well as in vitro maturation systems for the biosynthesis of active [FeFe] and [NiFe]-hydrogenases, which catalyze the reversible reaction, H2↔ 2e + 2H+. Activities of [FeFe] and [NiFe]-hydrogenases produced from different recombinant and in vitro maturation approaches are compared. Examples of how hydrogenase expression supports basic and applied studies of these enzymes are presented, and barriers to achieving more viable biological and synthetic H2-production systems and catalysts are addressed.

Graphical abstract: Recombinant and in vitro expression systems for hydrogenases: new frontiers in basic and applied studies for biological and synthetic H2 production

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Article information

Article type
06 Jul 2009
07 Oct 2009
First published
27 Oct 2009

Dalton Trans., 2009, 9970-9978

Recombinant and in vitro expression systems for hydrogenases: new frontiers in basic and applied studies for biological and synthetic H2 production

C. M. English, C. Eckert, K. Brown, M. Seibert and P. W. King, Dalton Trans., 2009, 9970 DOI: 10.1039/B913426N

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