Issue 47, 2009

Kinetics and mechanism of the Co(II)-assisted oxidation of l-ascorbic acid by dioxygen and nitrite in aqueous solution


A detailed study of the oxidation of L-ascorbic acid by dioxygen and nitrite in water at pH 5.8 and 7.0, catalyzed by the octasulfophenyltetrapyrazinoporphyrazine complex of cobalt(II), was carried out using conventional spectrophotometric, low-temperature and high-pressure stopped-flow techniques. The Co(II) complex activates L-ascorbic acid through an intramolecular one-electron oxidation step that involves the reduction of the octasulfophenyltetrapyrazinoporphyrazine. The reaction rate strongly depends on pH due to the different redox behaviour of the L-ascorbic acid/ascorbate species present in solution. Kinetic parameters for the different reaction steps of the catalytic process were determined. The final product of the reaction between L-ascorbic acid and nitrite was found to be nitrous oxide.

Graphical abstract: Kinetics and mechanism of the Co(II)-assisted oxidation of l-ascorbic acid by dioxygen and nitrite in aqueous solution

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
01 Apr 2009
21 Sep 2009
First published
30 Oct 2009

Dalton Trans., 2009, 10541-10549

Kinetics and mechanism of the Co(II)-assisted oxidation of L-ascorbic acid by dioxygen and nitrite in aqueous solution

E. A. Vlasova, N. Hessenauer-Ilicheva, D. S. Salnikov, E. V. Kudrik, S. V. Makarov and R. van Eldik, Dalton Trans., 2009, 10541 DOI: 10.1039/B906478H

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