Issue 4, 2009

Universal spectrochemical series of six-coordinate octahedral metal complexes for modifying the ligand field splitting


We studied a novel universal spectrochemical series of six-coordinated octahedral 3d transition metal complexes, which can be used for any combination of central metal atom and ligand molecules. A two dimensional spectrochemical series could be used to estimate the ligand field splitting energy of not only known compounds but also the unknown compounds. Therefore, it should be possible to control the physical properties, such as the electronic and magnetic properties and the optical phenomena of octahedral transition metal complexes by modifying the ligand field splitting.

Graphical abstract: Universal spectrochemical series of six-coordinate octahedral metal complexes for modifying the ligand field splitting

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Article information

Article type
23 Jun 2008
19 Sep 2008
First published
28 Nov 2008

Dalton Trans., 2009, 680-687

Universal spectrochemical series of six-coordinate octahedral metal complexes for modifying the ligand field splitting

T. Ishii, S. Tsuboi, G. Sakane, M. Yamashita and B. K. Breedlove, Dalton Trans., 2009, 680 DOI: 10.1039/B810590A

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