Issue 6, 2009

Prototypes of molecular motors based on star-shaped organometallic ruthenium complexes


This tutorial review presents our strategy to control the rotation in a molecular rotary motor, and the family of star-shaped ruthenium complexes designed to perform such a task. The molecules have a piano-stool structure with a “stator” meant to be grafted on a surface, and a “rotor” bearing redox-active groups, so that addressing the molecule with nano-electrodes would trigger rotation.

Graphical abstract: Prototypes of molecular motors based on star-shaped organometallic ruthenium complexes

Article information

Article type
Tutorial Review
29 Sep 2008
First published
23 Feb 2009

Chem. Soc. Rev., 2009,38, 1551-1561

Prototypes of molecular motors based on star-shaped organometallic ruthenium complexes

G. Vives, H. J. de Rouville, A. Carella, J. Launay and G. Rapenne, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2009, 38, 1551 DOI: 10.1039/B804684K

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