Issue 2, 2009

Asymmetric spin crossover behaviour and evidence of light-induced excited spin state trapping in a dinuclear iron(ii) helicate


Reported herein are the synthesis, structural and magnetic characterisation of a dinuclear FeII triple helicate that displays an unprecedented reversible asymmetric high spin to low spin crossover characterised by a thermal hysteresis: indeed the high spin state can be recovered by white light irradiation at 10 K.

Graphical abstract: Asymmetric spin crossover behaviour and evidence of light-induced excited spin state trapping in a dinuclear iron(ii) helicate

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Article information

Article type
16 Sep 2008
07 Nov 2008
First published
19 Nov 2008

Chem. Commun., 2009, 221-223

Asymmetric spin crossover behaviour and evidence of light-induced excited spin state trapping in a dinuclear iron(II) helicate

D. Pelleteret, R. Clérac, C. Mathonière, E. Harté, W. Schmitt and P. E. Kruger, Chem. Commun., 2009, 221 DOI: 10.1039/B816196H

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