Issue 6, 2008

The application of calcined natural dolomitic rock as a solid base catalyst in triglyceride transesterification for biodiesel synthesis


Natural dolomitic rock has been investigated in the transesterification of C4 and C8 triglycerides and olive oil with a view to determining its viability as a solid base catalyst for use in biodiesel synthesis. XRD reveals that the dolomitic rock comprised 77% dolomite and 23% magnesian calcite. The generation of basic sites requires calcination at 900 °C, which increases the surface area and transforms the mineral into MgO nanocrystallites dispersed over CaO particles. Calcined dolomitic rock exhibits high activity towards the liquid phase transesterification of glyceryl tributyrate and trioctanoate, and even olive oil, with methanol for biodiesel production.

Graphical abstract: The application of calcined natural dolomitic rock as a solid base catalyst in triglyceride transesterification for biodiesel synthesis

Article information

Article type
10 Jan 2008
11 Mar 2008
First published
03 Apr 2008

Green Chem., 2008,10, 654-659

The application of calcined natural dolomitic rock as a solid base catalyst in triglyceride transesterification for biodiesel synthesis

K. Wilson, C. Hardacre, A. F. Lee, J. M. Montero and L. Shellard, Green Chem., 2008, 10, 654 DOI: 10.1039/B800455B

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