Issue 45, 2008

Carbon coated microshells containing nanosized Gd(iii) oxidic phases for multiple bio-medical applications


Novel sub-microsized graphitic carbon shells embedding nanometric Gd(III) oxidic phases feature thermal and chemical inertness with enhanced T2 relaxation in aqueous dispersions, thus representing potential candidates for dual diagnostic (magnetic resonance imaging) and therapeutic (neutron capture therapy) applications.

Graphical abstract: Carbon coated microshells containing nanosized Gd(iii) oxidic phases for multiple bio-medical applications

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
07 Jul 2008
22 Sep 2008
First published
08 Oct 2008

Chem. Commun., 2008, 5936-5938

Carbon coated microshells containing nanosized Gd(III) oxidic phases for multiple bio-medical applications

A. Arrais, M. Botta, S. Avedano, G. B. Giovenzana, E. Gianolio, E. Boccaleri, P. L. Stanghellini and S. Aime, Chem. Commun., 2008, 5936 DOI: 10.1039/B811554K

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