Issue 17, 2006

A self assembled molecular zipper based on a perfluorophenyl-phenyl diacetylene motif


The synthesis and characterization of a molecular rod consisting of a pentafluorophenyl and a para-dodecylphenyl subunit linked by a diacetylene and its large area self assembly into perfect parallel lines consisting of interlocked molecular rods are reported and discussed.

Graphical abstract: A self assembled molecular zipper based on a perfluorophenyl-phenyl diacetylene motif

Article information

Article type
15 Dec 2005
20 Feb 2006
First published
20 Mar 2006

Chem. Commun., 2006, 1862-1863

A self assembled molecular zipper based on a perfluorophenyl-phenyl diacetylene motif

L. Shu, Z. Mu, H. Fuchs, L. Chi and M. Mayor, Chem. Commun., 2006, 1862 DOI: 10.1039/B517759F

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