Issue 10, 2004

A new FTIR-ATR cell for drug diffusion studies


The drug diffusion of most compounds, particularly hydrophilic molecules through the skin is limited by the permeation of the outermost cell layers of the epidermis, the stratum corneum (SC). For this reason it is of interest to characterize drug diffusion processes through this skin layer. A new FTIR-ATR cell was developed for non-invasive real time measurements of drug diffusion. The diffusion of water through an artificial polyethyleneglycol–polydimethylsiloxane membrane was studied. Additionally the diffusion of urea in human SC was analyzed. Based on a mathematical model the diffusion coefficients were derived. We could reveal that this cell associates the advantages of the Franz diffusion cell and the FTIR-ATR spectroscopy as a new powerful method for determining drug diffusion through biological membranes.

Article information

Article type
11 Jun 2004
18 Aug 2004
First published
07 Sep 2004

Analyst, 2004,129, 902-905

A new FTIR-ATR cell for drug diffusion studies

M. Hartmann, B. D. Hanh, H. Podhaisky, J. Wensch, J. Bodzenta, S. Wartewig and R. H. H. Neubert, Analyst, 2004, 129, 902 DOI: 10.1039/B408940P

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