Issue 6, 2003

Design and performance of some microflow-cell potentiometric transducers


The paper presents and compares the design of three potentiometric transducers: ion-selective field effect transistor (ISFET), solid-state Ag/AgCl electrode and miniaturized classical Ag/AgCl electrode. The reported transducers were fabricated using different, less or more complicated and expensive, technologies. The transducers were constructed to be compatible with the sensor housing of the flow-cell, designed previously. Moreover, the back-side contact structures of the two planar devices, where electrical connectors and the sensing layer are on the opposite sides, facilitated their application in the flow analysis. Exemplary potassium-selective microsensors based on developed transducers were prepared, applying plasticized PVC and polysiloxane membranes containing valinomycine. The determined microsensor performances allowed comparison of their usefulness for multiparameter flow analysis.

Article information

Article type
03 Jan 2003
26 Feb 2003
First published
26 Mar 2003

Analyst, 2003,128, 532-536

Design and performance of some microflow-cell potentiometric transducers

J. Zachara and W. Wróblewski, Analyst, 2003, 128, 532 DOI: 10.1039/B300069A

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