Issue 6, 2002

A new strategy towards the total synthesis of phenanthridone alkaloids: synthesis of (+)-2,7-dideoxypancratistatin as a model study


A new strategy towards the synthesis of phenanthridone alkaloids has been reported through the synthesis of (+)-2,7-dideoxypancratistatin from D-(−)-quinic acid employing PET initiated carbocyclization of an electron rich aromatics by silylenol ether as a key step.

Graphical abstract: A new strategy towards the total synthesis of phenanthridone alkaloids: synthesis of (+)-2,7-dideoxypancratistatin as a model study

Article information

Article type
17 Jan 2002
12 Feb 2002
First published
22 Feb 2002

Chem. Commun., 2002, 624-625

A new strategy towards the total synthesis of phenanthridone alkaloids: synthesis of (+)-2,7-dideoxypancratistatin as a model study

G. Pandey, A. Murugan and M. Balakrishnan, Chem. Commun., 2002, 624 DOI: 10.1039/B200624C

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