Issue 21, 1976

Caesium fluoride solutions in carboxylic acids


The systems CsF–HCO2H, CsF–MeCO2H, CsF–EtCO2H, and CsF–PrCO2H have been investigated. The results show that the chemical shift of the carboxyiic proton, δ(OH), is dependent on the nature of the acid and varies with its pKa. The i.r. spectra of saturated solutions and solvates, however, display two broad bands characteristic of hydrogen bonding at ca. 2 120 and ca. 1 550 cm–1 which are independent of the acid. These arise from the very strong hydrogen bonding between the fluoride ion and the proton of a carboxyl group.

Article information

Article type

J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1976, 2219-2222

Caesium fluoride solutions in carboxylic acids

J. Emsley and O. P. A. Hoyte, J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1976, 2219 DOI: 10.1039/DT9760002219

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